
Lessons 23 and 24

Another weekend, another couple of flights out of Palo Alto.  This time around it was a series of landings and simulated emergencies on the way to and from Livermore Airport, with some decidedly better (if I may say so) landings than I had the last time.  The instructor seems to think I’m getting a little bit better, so he’s ratcheting up the workload in the air.

On the 24th lesson I was swapped into a similar plane with 40 more horsepower. The difference was like driving my 4Runner around some cones and tight corners, then getting out and hopping into the vette to try the same thing.  More power, better handling, and boy can things get out of hand right quick.  I felt like I was behind the airplane the whole flight.  It climbs better, goes faster, and really gets off the ground in a hurry.  Have to be careful with all that power, it can get addicting.