
Flights 15 and 16

The most recent flights were more of the same: flying the pattern, learning how to properly setup to land and then takeoff again.  Should be getting easier, but I’m still finding ways to blow the base to final setup and then to be a bit early on roundouts at landing.

One exciting new event that happened was my near-night flying where I began losing spatial awareness, cutting my downwind leg short, and ending up a little closer to the runway than I’d like prior to landing.  That was a bit rough, but nothing compared to the student ahead of me who wandered out onto the active runway in front of the plane ahead of me.  He had the tower asking him what he was doing, then having the plane ahead of me abort his landing.  I politely slowed down as much as I could, buying some time for the other student to get out of the way.

Hope I don’t do that when its time for me to solo!