
The Move

I just did my first database move and it wasn’t all that painful. Everything looks like it still works, which is more than I can say for my brain right about now.

Oh, and dumb people really drain you. I think that must have been what killed off the dinosaurs.

General Technology

Ebay & TiVo Goodness

Well I finally won something on Ebay, but I had to snipe to get it. How you say? Using this nifty site. It seems to work most of the time if you know what the price range is for the item. Sneaky but effective.

Got home tonight only to find reruns. Some people have TiVos and it tells them when reruns happen so they don’t rush home to watch nothing on TV. And it records stuff so you don’t have to rush home. So, I guess I need a TiVo (and cable too)!


Web Site updates

I haven’t updated my web site visibly in a bit. I’m still working out kinks in the scripts behind the scene. Rest assured, better content is coming. Really it is.


Work and Speed

Sometimes work is good. Sometimes it’s not. It especially sucks when you are a bonehead and do dumb things. Today was one of those days for me. Oh well.

In general, speed is good. Faster cars, faster PCs, and of course, faster internet. But when your software gets faster, well, that’s as close to a bloody miracle as it comes. Today I saw software get faster. Way to go Steve (super-programmer)!


Sunday Afternoon

Today was a lazy day. Just some light cleaning and a bit of mail sorting. I didn’t even go outside. All in all, it was pretty laid back.

Oh, and Ghost Recon rules.



OK, I take back my freeware comment. The author was nice enough to put up the fix for the comments issue. Now if I could just get the spell checker to work 🙂


Tired Again

Just got back from a party and man am I beat. Food and drinks were excellent, though. Thanks Lisa!

Just heard a bunch of hum coming from the Mackie mixer, and I tracked it down to the PC / SB Live!. Grumble, grumble. Got to look into balanced to unbalanced plugs this week and see if that fixes it.


Small fix

I think you can post comments now. Sometimes I really hate freeware.



Damn it.

Now the stupid fonts are hosed when I change between styles. Sigh. I guess I’ll have to fix that next.


Broken things

Well, some of this stuff is broken and I have no idea why. I just posted a note to the forum where I got this thing. Don’t try to do the following things:

  • Comment to an existing post
  • Use the spell checker
  • I have no idea what else is broken. I guess I’ll find out or you will tell me.