General Technology

Podcast = Poor Man's Audible?

I’ve found something new that doesn’t seem all that new at all: Podcasting. Could it be that old is new again?

Because I have nothing better to do than poke around on the web during the mornings on weekends, I found this small but growing phenomenon: podcasting. For those who are uninformed (including me, evidently) this is the ability for the common man (and some more special folks) to create their own audio broadcasts to go along with their blog.

I have to say that its still pretty early days, but it seems to me that this is the poor mans solution to Audible, with more uneven talent. There is some interesting stuff out there to listen to, but if I need bite size nuggets of technology info, I will get my tech news from someone who has been doing it a long, long time and does it for a living (he is a friend and very funny).

Discuss amongst yourselves.